Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Beloved, say to my people:

You have cut off the heads of two enemies and two more have emerged. Your efforts are folly without me. Where is the incense of your prayer? When have you asked me for direction? Where is your faith in victory through me?

Oh that you were as Joshua before you. He did not depend on the negative reports. He did not strive with strategy, or weapons or manpower. He came to me in humility, on his knees in prayer; knowing that I had already purchased the land for him. He sought me for direction and his battle plan.

I would not allow him to lift a finger so that no man should boast, yet his enemy fell before him. I requited the enemy's blood on my hand instead of the hand of my servant, Joshua. Be as Joshua before you. Place your hope, faith and confidence in the Lord.

If you do, I promise that your enemies will perish from the inside out. Their destruction will come from under their feet, and they will be raised no more.

Thus says the Lord.


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