My temple has long been kept hidden under the deception of the evil one. It has been long enough! Not one stone shall stand upon another, nor one lie upon another. The deception shall be revealed to those who know my voice. Take heed, my people, that you are not deceived; for to those who ask will the truth be revealed. All this shall come to pass when the summer leaves are upon the tree.
There will be wars; the light from the sun and moon shall fade, and darkness will cover the earth. Do not despair for I am near. Take to the mountains for safety, but I tell you that brother will deliver up brother, father will deliver up son, but he who endures shall be saved.
Remember my love and mercy - for it is by my light that you will win the war. Use my armour, my weapons, for as a kingdom cannot stand against itself, utilizing the weapons of the enemy - fear, terror, deception - will increase the darkness. The battlefield will be yours with the coming light. The light of the Lord - love, kindness, mercy - will overcome the darkness.
Though you may be persecuted because of your love for me - you will triumph over the enemy, and his perversion will be cast away forever.
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