Woman - say to the daughter of Persia:
I have seen your enmity against my people, and as your mother before, you plot and scheme for their destruction, but I tell you, your rulers are misleading you to your own destruction. Time does not flow for me; it is ever present, and what I have done in your past will not be repeated in your future.
I allowed your conquest to bring my people back to my spirit, but I will soon conquer you, without the hand of man, to show my people my glory. I will requite on the heads of your rulers all those who perish in Persia because of their arrogance against my Word. Your hatred will course through your veins burning your skin until it falls as you walk.
All the world will witness your destruction lamenting those innocents you condemned with you. No more will Persia be inhabited. No more will your crops and trees spread across your land for as your seed grew from deep within the earth, There too will come your destruction. Your scorched land will not be restored until my Son comes again.
So says the Lord.
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