Beloved, say to the Lion in the Desert:
My son, you will hear a new word which the mouth of the Lord shall speak. When you hear my word, my Spirit will descend on you with truth. Do not despair for I have loved you always and my mercy is deep.
Remember, no one comes to me but through my Son, Jesus Christ. One sin - just one requires judgment, but many sins may be forgiven by declaring that Jesus is Lord and believing that he died on the cross and rose from the dead.
Why would you choose to believe a dead prophet instead of a risen Savior? Your steps are vibrant, but pointed in the wrong direction. Come to me and I will show you the mysteries of the universe. I will reveal to you a secret; my word is Love. I will reveal my everlasting love, my perfect love.
Accept the Word when it comes and by who it comes, for when the word has been taken from you, I will make you a prophet before your people.
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