Saturday, August 26, 2006


Beloved, say to the Coastlands:

You who were once my jewel on a shining sea, repent! Again, I say repent. Turn away from your possessions, your diversions, your tolerance for evil and lack of responsibility. Embrace, once again, the values of your fathers. Embrace your families, your souls and your spirits.

Your soul has been lost in the canyons of your cities and your bodies are perishing under the invention of your industry. I seek not your penance, but your repentance. I seek your turning away from all that has kept you from me. Turn away from your unbelief in my Spirit and my mercy.

I have not changed, I love you still for there are many of you still faithful to me and my Son. Still, I call for repentance.

Soon, your enemies will join together for your destruction. On that day mountains of fire will pour unto your greatest cities and they will be destroyed. The destruction will radiate from those cities many miles and those who watch from the distance will wail with horror, but the destruction will not end there.

Those who feel that they have been spared will find that there is no where to flee and no way to flee. All the land will be still, as if holding its breath. All trade, communication and commerce will halt - waiting.

Then the enemy will come. They will come from your own mountains, deserts, coastlands and plains where they have been hiding and training these long years. Your own tolerance for evil has allowed them to grow strong and flourish. Now they will descend on what is left like locust with their swords drawn and their mouths issuing my name in vain.

There is still time for repentance, and I call all of you to repentance. There is still time for me to intercede for you, but you must invite me to do so. Those who know me, call down my Kingdom to the Earth. Call down my Kingdom to your coastlands and pray that my Spirit will cover as the fog covers the land.

I charge you to pray for your enemies; not for their destruction, but for their repentance and salvation. For their repentance and salvation will bring my Spirit and with my Spirit will come peace.

You can only fight the darkness with the Light of the World.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Beloved say to the people of Assyria:

Repent and accept the salvation offered by the Lord. Turn away from your violence and unforgiveness for the Lord will by no means clear the guilty. Each man will be judged by his own heart, his own actions. What is in your heart?

The lightening will flash in the night causing the mountains to quake and the hills to melt. The waters will dry and the waste will overtake the land of all who live there. Your leaders have plotted villany against the Lord. I will remove his yoke from your bondage.

No more shall your name be perpetuated from the house of your gods.